Service Positions

Trusted Servants: Quarterly Positions

General Meeting Secretary

Length of Sobriety - 6 months

Length of Term - 3 months


Big Book Study Meeting Secretary

Length of Sobriety - 6 months

Length of Term - 3 months

Should have read the Big Book in its entirety


Living Sober Book Study Secretary

Length of Sobriety - 6 months

Length of Term - 3 months


Step Study Meeting Secretary

Length of Sobriety - 6 months

Length of Term - 3 months


Newcomers Meeting Secretary

Length of Sobriety - 1 year

Length of Term - 3 months


Online Meeting Host

Length of Sobriety - 3 months

Length of Term - 3 months

A computer is required due to the requirements of this position.


Junior Secretary

Length of Sobriety - 30 days

Length of Term - 3 months


*In keeping with AA’s 7th Tradition, please take a moment to consider the impact North Hall has had on your life and make a generous contribution as I pass the basket and H&I can. Your contributions directly help keep our doors open for all those suffering from the disease of alcoholism. All money collected goes to paying rent, utilities and other expenses. A donation of $2 or more can help North Hall meet expenses and fulfill our shared responsibility to help carry the message of AA inside and outside this room.


Length of Sobriety - 30 days

Length of Term - 3 months


Clean-up Chairperson

Length of Sobriety - 6 months

Length of Term - 3 months


Clean-up Co-Chairperson

Length of Sobriety - 3 months

Length of Term - 3 months


Trusted Servants: Annual Positions

General Secretary

Length of Sobriety - 5 years

Length of Term - 1 year



Length of Sobriety - 5 years

Length of Term - 1 year



Length of Sobriety - 5 years

Length of Term - 1 year


Meeting Coordinator

Length of Sobriety - 2 years

Length of Term 13 months (from 12/01 – 01/01)  Position will be elected in November 


Central California Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous (CCFAA) Delegate and Alternate

Length of Sobriety - 2 years

Length of Term - 1 year


Hospital and Institution (H&I) Representative and Alternate

Length of Sobriety - 2 years

Length of Term - 1 year


Anniversary Speaking Meeting Chairperson

Length of Sobriety - 1 year

Length of Term - 1 year


Monthly Speaker Meeting Chairperson

Length of Sobriety - 6 months

Length of Term - 1 year


Birthday Meeting Chairperson

Length of Sobriety – 1 year

Length of Term – 1 year


General Service Representative (GSR) and Alternate

Length of Sobriety - 2 years

Length of Term - 2 years


Literature Chairperson

Length of Sobriety - 1 year

Length of Term - 1 year


Supply Chairperson

Length of Sobriety - 1 year

Length of Term - 1 year


Recording Secretary

Length of Sobriety - 1 year

Length of Term - 1 year


Technology Chairperson

Length of Sobriety – 1 year

Length of Term – 1 year


Steering Committee Members (6)

Length of Sobriety - 5 years

Length of Term - 2 years (3-person rotation each year)

Goal - The Steering Committee will provide support and guidance to North Hall Group of Alcoholics Anonymous and the Group's trusted servants so that when anyone, anywhere, reaches out, the hand of North Hall A.A. will be there in accordance with the Twelve Steps and 12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Objectives - To maintain policies and procedures; to ensure financial accountability; to ensure procedural changes by Group Conscience are in accordance with the Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous.


Building Committee Members (4)

(Two from the Steering Committee & Two from the Group At large)

Length of Sobriety: 

   Steering Committee Representatives - 5 years

   Group At Large Representatives – 1 year

Length of Term - 1 year 

Goal - The Building Committee will be responsible for coordinating any repairs or general maintenance needed for North Hall facility.

Objectives - To ensure that North Hall facility is in good physical condition.

Alcathon Chairperson

Length of Sobriety - 1 year

Length of Term - 1 year


Decoration Committee Chairperson

Length of Sobriety - 1 year

Length of Term - 1 year


Website Committee Members (6)

Website Committee Members consist of the following trusted servant positions:

Length of term - 1 year 

Objectives: The Website Committee will be responsible for deciding the contents, policies, and procedures for establishing and maintaining the North Hall website:

Website Committee Ad Hoc Member

Length of Sobriety - 1 year

Length of Term - 1 year
